Geriatric medical conferences 2016 texas
Geriatric medical conferences 2016 texas

geriatric medical conferences 2016 texas

The fellowship also trained me well in academic skills such as teaching, presenting, and critically evaluating the literature. Before the fellowship, the prospect of caring for a 90 year old patients with 12 medical problems and 15 medications was daunting after the fellowship, it was comfortable. Most importantly, it trained me well to take care of frail elderly patients. “My fellowship at UConn was pivotal in my career. Faculty members are available and willing to help with research ideas, clinical dilemmas and most importantly for mentoring fellows." Exposure to multiple rotation sites and varied settings for patient care gave me a well rounded experience that served me well in my current practice as a clinician and educator.

geriatric medical conferences 2016 texas

"Diverse curriculum with well balanced clinical and research time. I also will have the opportunity to teach medical students, interns and residents.” I am now working with the Yale geriatrics group where I cover nursing homes, out patient clinic and next year the ACE unit in the hospital. Being a UConn fellow gives you the opportunity to attend research conferences as well as getting involved in many projects with the faculty which I found very supportive. “The geriatric fellowship at UConn helped me achieve the clinical training I needed in geriatrics and allowed me to start a career in an academic setting which was my goal.

Geriatric medical conferences 2016 texas